Writing Prompts: Independence Day

The 4th of July is a hugely important day in global affairs. It is after all, the day that the world united to defeat alien invaders, and… wait, we’re not talking about the movie Independence Day? Oh… okay. The 4th of July is still hugely important. It goes without saying that my American friends herald […]

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Take a Deep Breath

Tomorrow, the UK will go to the polls for a General Election that could – could – erase the Conservative Party as a major political force for generations to come. Whilst I retain misgivings about Labour (and I will maintain that the media had it in for Jeremy Corbyn, who would have been ten times […]

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Writing Prompts: Sacrifices

No, I am not referencing human sacrifices, or anything morbid! I refer instead to the sacrifices that one may make during the course of one’s life, with the intention of benefiting others. With that in mind, I am not sure if I have truly sacrificed much, because what some may consider to be a sacrifice, […]

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Writing Prompts: Spirituality

How important is spirituality in your life? I am not an especially spiritual meerkat. I have things I value and believe in, and I certainly believe there is more to the universe than we currently understand, but in terms of, say, chi, and stuff like that? I respect that some people value those concepts, but […]

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Different Standards

For some reason, society holds victims of one form of crime to completely different standards. Is this because of the form this crime takes? It would seem so. Consider that no one would consider blaming a murder victim for getting murdered. No one passes on ‘mitigating circumstances’. No one asks what the victim did to […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 26th June 2024

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! Inching Closer We are edging towards the 4th of July, and the General Election here in the UK. I am increasingly considering voting for the Greens, who have a fair manifesto built around unburdening the poor and needy, but the reality is that Labour will win. The question is […]

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Writing Prompts: The Cheviot

No, I am not referring to the brand of car, but rather a peak on the England/Scotland border, that just so happens to be quite near a location of personal importance. The Cheviot is located in Northumberland, right across the border from the towns of Kirk Yelthom and Town Yelthom, which are of interest to […]

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Judgement and Justice

Recently, I saw a post written by Insanity Bytes, which spoke of yet another sexual abuse scandal involving a Christian pastor. It is worth noting that this sort of scandal is not limited to the Church, nor to any specific faith, nor is it the exclusive domain of the religious. It seems that the sexual […]

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Writing Prompts: Past Employment

What jobs have you had? Like most people, I’ve had a few different jobs in my time. As a young, fresh-faced meerkat, I started out working in an office, and did this at different locations for several years. To begin, I was booking hotel rooms and making travel arrangements on behalf of clients of a […]

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The Correct Way

Recently, David Thiessen of Theology Archaeology has dramatically ramped up his aggressive rhetoric, and gone as far as to call me a chicken, for refusing to respond to a challenge to debate, or to back up my claims. He believes my recent post, on the topic of Burden of Proof, was aimed at him in […]

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