Writing Prompts: Top 3 (and Bottom 3) Cakes!

https://x.com/AurynJaneway/status/1810423064817021434 This is another prompt via Twitter, this time from Auryn Janeway. It’s a topic that surely a lot of us can appreciate: cake! So, what might be the bottom three cakes, as far as this meerkat is concerned? I’m placing lemon drizzle cake at the bottom. I like lemons, but not most lemon-flavoured products, […]

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Writing Prompts: My Worst Cooking Disaster

So, the picture is a melodramatic interpretation of what happened here, but it involved a microwave, and it involved me failing to pay attention! Let’s explain. At this point in time I was still living with my parents, and one evening, after they had retired to bed, I was playing video games when I decided […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 20/3/24

Welcome to the latest edition of the Meerkat Muse! Facebook Fails We begin with the events of two weeks ago, when the world briefly melted down due to an outage of Meta’s various social media platforms. I wish I could say that I was immune to this, but my initial reaction was I’d been hacked, […]

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Writing Prompts: Speciality Food

What food would you say is your specialty? Does a peanut butter sandwich count? What about peanut butter on toast? I don’t think I have a ‘signature dish’. I know how to throw things in the oven, or in the frying pan. Sometimes these things even become edible!

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Writing Prompts: Christmas Dinner (Polish Edition)

Underneath the 17th door of the Meery Christmas Advent Calendar lies a fish, and this symbolises one of the traditional Christmas dishes of Poland. You may be wondering why I’m writing about Polish Christmas food. Well, some of my neighbours are Polish, and they have spoken of Polish Christmas foods, so I thought I would […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 13/12/23

We are halfway to Christmas, and approaching the end of 2023! However, before we reminisce, what do we make of December’s opening bow? Before I can answer that, I need to take you back to a couple of Wednesdays ago, and a change… Bins go Bonkers I am all for recycling. I think it’s a […]

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Writing Prompts: Christmas Dinner (UK Edition)

The Meery Christmas Calendar’s ninth day is going to make you hungry! The Christmas Dinner is one of Christmas Day’s great traditions, and a lot of planning goes into executing a wonderful occasion. Everyone’s idea of this is a little different, but there some elements that filter across virtually every Christmas-celebrating UK household, and I […]

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Writing Prompts: Christmas Pudding

On day three of the Meery Christmas Advent Calendar, a Christmas Pudding is revealed, but what exactly is Christmas Pudding? Simply put, it’s a stodgy, sweet, sticky combination of treacle, suet, dried fruits, and potentially wine or even milk, which is prepared by mixing it all together with breadcrumbs (and older recipes might include eggs), […]

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