The Meerkat Muse: 26th June 2024

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! Inching Closer We are edging towards the 4th of July, and the General Election here in the UK. I am increasingly considering voting for the Greens, who have a fair manifesto built around unburdening the poor and needy, but the reality is that Labour will win. The question is […]

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Writing Prompts: Past Employment

What jobs have you had? Like most people, I’ve had a few different jobs in my time. As a young, fresh-faced meerkat, I started out working in an office, and did this at different locations for several years. To begin, I was booking hotel rooms and making travel arrangements on behalf of clients of a […]

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Writing Prompts: Sass and Sarcasm

Working in retail sales, you will inevitably face people who feel the need to be passive-aggressive and awkward. These traits are not likely to yield any favours, yet there are still people who think that being rude and difficult will grant them preferential treatment. Here’s a newsflash to those people: it won’t. My approach to […]

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The Meerkat Muse – 1st May 2024

Suspicious Minds You may be wondering where I am going with this. Well, this relates to possible efforts to get into some of my accounts. Specifically, I had an email alerting me to someone who tried, and failed, to access my mobile phone account. Going back further, I’ve had sporadic emails alerting me to attempts […]

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The Meerkat Muse – 17/4/24

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! We begin with some big work-related news, news that I hope will provide relief to a lot of people, albeit for different reasons. I find myself having mixed feelings, because of the circumstances of a colleague’s resignation, but ultimately this will prove for the best for all parties. It […]

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