The Meerkat Q&A: Round One

It has occurred to me that the Writing Prompts, as varied as they may be, are getting stretched thin. The typical blog post ideas you’ll find online are rehashed forms of the usual questions, and they do not interest me. I’ve had more joy with going off the beaten track, and even more fun to […]

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Writing Prompts: ‘I am Looking at…’

So, this Prompt idea comes from the National Writing Project, and whilst I won’t necessarily do every prompt on the list, I am certainly intrigued by some of them, and I will start at the beginning, with following: Here is the first one she suggests: “I am looking at”. Try going for the full ten […]

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Writing Prompts: Top 3 (and Bottom 3) Cakes! This is another prompt via Twitter, this time from Auryn Janeway. It’s a topic that surely a lot of us can appreciate: cake! So, what might be the bottom three cakes, as far as this meerkat is concerned? I’m placing lemon drizzle cake at the bottom. I like lemons, but not most lemon-flavoured products, […]

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Trump’s Close Call

Originally posted on The Coalition of the Brave. It is no secret that I am not a Donald Trump fan. I consider him to be an oafish, dangerous, and ultimately incompetent man, as proven by his history of failure. but this does not mean that people should be resorting to violence to silence him. On […]

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Writing Prompts: If you had the money to go on five vacations, where would you go? Ordinarily, I’d embed the tweet here, but of late WordPress and Twitter refuse to cooperate with one another. The suggestion from Manorial Meerkat (you better believe that there are a great many meerkats of Twitter) was about vacations, and it had me pondering my top five places. This is a fluid list, for I […]

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Writing Prompts: Favourite Season

What is your favorite season of year? Why? Without a shadow of a doubt, summer is my favourite season. Meerkats are not built for cold weather, so when the sun comes out, it brings a smile to my face. I want to be able to enjoy the sunshine, I want blue skies, and cold beers […]

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Writing Prompts: The First Day

The day was the 10th of July 2004. It involved a trip to London, and a new, unfamiliar destination, namely Fenchurch Street station. I’ll confess to not really knowing of the station’s existence, but I had an important rendezvous. My journey was to meet someone. I had no idea as to how the future of […]

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Writing Prompts: Bath Salts

Do I make use of bath salts? Should I make use of bath salts? To answer the first question, no, I do not use bath salts. As to whether or not I should, let us first consider what bath salts are. Simply put, they are items that add a level of fizz and pop to […]

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Writing Prompts: Luxury that I Need

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without? This is a good question, and a difficult one for me to immediately provide an answer to. There are a number of things that I would struggle to do without. Some of them are in fact quite trivial and I would only struggle in the sense that […]

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