How to Make a Strawman

Recently, David Thiessen of Theology Archaeology (who remains too cowardly and too afraid to use my real name, or link to my site, because he is afraid of accountability, I wonder if I should resume using his real details, instead of remaining complicit in his deceit?), wrote an angry post, where he took aim at […]

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Writing Prompts: Voyager

If there is anything that offers a satisfying, memorable testament to human endeavour, it’s the epic journeys of the Voyager space probes. Launched in the late 1970s, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 (ironically, Voyager 2 launched first) have returned some incredible information about the solar system, and now they have given us a glimpse as […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 13/12/23

We are halfway to Christmas, and approaching the end of 2023! However, before we reminisce, what do we make of December’s opening bow? Before I can answer that, I need to take you back to a couple of Wednesdays ago, and a change… Bins go Bonkers I am all for recycling. I think it’s a […]

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Writing Prompts: Stardust The above news article is a testament to the ingenuity of human endeavour. In 2020, the NASA spacecraft Osiris-Rex collected samples of rock and dust from the asteroid Bennu (incidentally, the asteroid considered the most dangerous by NASA, in terms of hitting earth any time soon). On the 24th of September 2023, a probe […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 4th October 2023

Autumn is truly upon us. Welcome to the Meerkat Muse. October is normally when things start to take a colder turn, but then, UK weather is increasingly unpredictable, so who knows? Lonely Times Work has delivered more lone-trading occasions, and will bring more in the coming weeks. This isn’t a huge, insurmountable problem for me […]

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Writing Prompts: Swear Words

Time for a topic that dives into some very not-suitable-for-word territory. If you are sensitive to bad language, I advise you to skip this post. I will be discussing rude words. If swear words don’t faze you, or if your curiosity has gotten the better of you, read on! So, what are swear words? In […]

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Using Science to Prove God?

It goes without saying that understanding how the universe came into being is a fundamental question, one that drives a lot of scientific endeavour, as well as a lot of theological and philosophical questions. Sometimes (well, a lot of the time) the scientific study clashes with the theological study. A lot of religious believers operate […]

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Writing Prompts: Admirable Professions

What profession do you admire most and why? There are many professions worthy of praise. Any role that serves to protect, to build, to push the boundaries of human knowledge and wisdom, is a worthwhile one in this meerkat’s eyes. I highlight Albert Einstein, because scientific endeavour (despite the pompous and ignorance claims of the […]

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Writing Prompts: Science and Lies

Originally posted on The Coalition of the Brave. In order to seek inspiration for Writing Prompts, I sometimes ‘travel’ the web. On my travels, I have encountered many different points of view, and some… let’s call them fascinating takes on science (see the Flat Earth discussion here, and commentary on Faith Healing here). It is […]

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