Writing Prompts: How Old is Too Old?

EDIT: this post was written a few weeks ago, before Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for the 2024 elections. I’ve left it otherwise unmodified, because I believe the overall point stands. Leaving aside for a moment my opinions as to who would be a better president, my thoughts drift to whether or not either candidate […]

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Trump’s Close Call

Originally posted on The Coalition of the Brave. It is no secret that I am not a Donald Trump fan. I consider him to be an oafish, dangerous, and ultimately incompetent man, as proven by his history of failure. but this does not mean that people should be resorting to violence to silence him. On […]

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Take a Deep Breath

Tomorrow, the UK will go to the polls for a General Election that could – could – erase the Conservative Party as a major political force for generations to come. Whilst I retain misgivings about Labour (and I will maintain that the media had it in for Jeremy Corbyn, who would have been ten times […]

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Going Green

Whilst the Green Party is highly unlikely to gather enough votes to win the 2024 General Election, they are campaigning on a series of pledges that are by far the best any of the political parties have produced. Well, that’s my opinion of it, anyway. What is in their manifesto, and why does it appeal […]

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34 Charges, 34 Convictions

Well then. This is quite the moment! After five weeks of hearing evidence and information, the jury in Donald Trump’s historic trial for falsifying business records concluded he is guilty, on all 34 counts. Let the consternation begin in earnest. Trump’s Evangelical supporters (who regard Trump as a Messianic figure) have been swallowing, hook, line […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 29/5/24

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! As we hurtle towards the end of May, what’s been happening? Life Insurance I’ll grant this is not the most exciting place to start a Muse, but a couple of weeks ago I had a call about my existing life insurance policy. As I do have life insurance, I […]

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Go Time!

On the 4th of July, UK voters will go to the polls with the opportunity to send a message. After fourteen years of woeful and inept governance by the Tories, Britons can kick them out. Whether this plays out is a different story, but the opportunity is there, and it must be seized. The Tories […]

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