The Correct Way

Recently, David Thiessen of Theology Archaeology has dramatically ramped up his aggressive rhetoric, and gone as far as to call me a chicken, for refusing to respond to a challenge to debate, or to back up my claims. He believes my recent post, on the topic of Burden of Proof, was aimed at him in […]

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When Trolls Get Angry

I recently became aware of a vile comment left on someone’s blog, around eleven years ago, where the commentator called the author a ‘warped moron’, because the author shared a touching story about the birth of two of their children. It seems sharing a personal story filled with love greatly upset this troll. Why would […]

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Writing Prompts: Godwin’s Law

If you’ve trawled the internet for as long as I have, you might have heard of Godwin’s Law. This is the theory that any internet argument or debate will inevitably lead to accusations of one party being a Nazi/Hitler. In some internet circles, referencing the Nazis leads to the declaration that Godwin’s Law has been […]

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False Allegations

By and large, I have tried to ignore the posts and comments directed at me from David Thiessen, the author of Theology Archaeology. However, he stepped over the line with an unsubstantiated allegation, made over on Citizen Tom’s site: On a side note, do you want to know what MM or his friend BG or […]

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Twitter (X) And the Block Button

There are plans afoot for the platform formerly known as Twitter (and now rather absurdly called X) to remove the block feature. Elon Musk considers himself a champion of free speech, and believes the block feature makes no sense. Users will be able to mute others, but will no longer be able to shield themselves, […]

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Writing Prompts: When Greed eats Itself

Every need a demonstration of how unchecked greed, combined with an out-of-control ego, can destroy a business? Look no further than Twitter. I have been on Twitter for over twelve years, and had many animated, stimulating discussions upon the platform. I have made friends via Twitter. It has, in the past, been a good place. […]

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Writing Prompts: Algorithms

The above is a tweet of mine from a few days ago. For reasons that remain a mystery to me, Twitter’s promoted posts (aka sponsored adverts) kept producing ads for the same products, namely bras. I don’t wear bras, and all the stuff around support and lift is of zero interest to me, yet a […]

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