Writing Prompts: How Old is Too Old?

EDIT: this post was written a few weeks ago, before Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for the 2024 elections. I’ve left it otherwise unmodified, because I believe the overall point stands. Leaving aside for a moment my opinions as to who would be a better president, my thoughts drift to whether or not either candidate […]

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Writing Prompts: La Silampa

The Meerkat World Tour continues, and today this handsome fellow finds himself in Panama. La Silampa is a gorgeous lake, and said to be a great spot for swimming, but it also holds a terrifying legend. La Silampa is also known as the Mother of the Night, and it is said that on wintery, rainy […]

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Writing Prompts: A Fear of Robots

It is not without a certain measure of irony that I write about the subject of machines taking over our lives, considering that I use AI art generators for my meerkat art. However, the wider story here is ‘will we ever face a rise of the machines?’ In one sense, robots have already taken over […]

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Writing Prompts: Greener Grass

The question asked by Auntie Pam on Twitter is: Is the grass greener on the other side? The other side of what? Is it greener when you’re dead? Is that what it means?! Because you’re fertilising the grass?! Phew, there’s a bit to unpack here! There is a popular expression, ‘the grass is always greener […]

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Writing Prompts: Model Railways

One of my earliest train memories is of going into London with my mum, dad and brother, where I not only recall the excitement of using the London Underground, but also of visiting a model railway exhibition. The level of detail, and the dedication to the craft, was incredible. Alas, my memory does not permit […]

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The Meerkat Q&A: Round One

It has occurred to me that the Writing Prompts, as varied as they may be, are getting stretched thin. The typical blog post ideas you’ll find online are rehashed forms of the usual questions, and they do not interest me. I’ve had more joy with going off the beaten track, and even more fun to […]

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Writing Prompts: ‘I am Looking at…’

So, this Prompt idea comes from the National Writing Project, and whilst I won’t necessarily do every prompt on the list, I am certainly intrigued by some of them, and I will start at the beginning, with following: Here is the first one she suggests: “I am looking at”. Try going for the full ten […]

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Writing Prompts: Top 3 (and Bottom 3) Cakes!

https://x.com/AurynJaneway/status/1810423064817021434 This is another prompt via Twitter, this time from Auryn Janeway. It’s a topic that surely a lot of us can appreciate: cake! So, what might be the bottom three cakes, as far as this meerkat is concerned? I’m placing lemon drizzle cake at the bottom. I like lemons, but not most lemon-flavoured products, […]

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Writing Prompts: If you had the money to go on five vacations, where would you go?

https://x.com/flowerwasaqueen/status/1810420088505262183 Ordinarily, I’d embed the tweet here, but of late WordPress and Twitter refuse to cooperate with one another. The suggestion from Manorial Meerkat (you better believe that there are a great many meerkats of Twitter) was about vacations, and it had me pondering my top five places. This is a fluid list, for I […]

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