Different Standards

For some reason, society holds victims of one form of crime to completely different standards. Is this because of the form this crime takes? It would seem so. Consider that no one would consider blaming a murder victim for getting murdered. No one passes on ‘mitigating circumstances’. No one asks what the victim did to […]

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How to Make a Strawman

Recently, David Thiessen of Theology Archaeology (who remains too cowardly and too afraid to use my real name, or link to my site, because he is afraid of accountability, I wonder if I should resume using his real details, instead of remaining complicit in his deceit?), wrote an angry post, where he took aim at […]

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Fighting Indoctrination with… Indoctrination?!

Recently, my friend Bruce Gerencser posted an article via FAIR, which is an organisation for Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting. FAIR’s post makes for a fascinating read, and quite pertinent to recent discussions I’ve been having. For a frame of reference here, I’d recommend The Parasitic Religious Right, The Dividing Line, The Dividing Line P2, […]

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The Dividing Line, P3

Loosely inspired by conversations with Citizen Tom, and building on previous posts here, here and here, let’s ask some questions, and attempt to provide answers. A very good starting point would be this comment of mine over at Tom’s site, and his response: What would you suggest as a replacement (to federally-funded education)? A for-profit […]

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The Dividing Line, P2

Following on from this post, this post, and this post by Bruce Gerencser, and factoring in a post of Citizen Tom’s I thought I’d continue this little series. Bruce’s post framed the topic of public money around education, which is a good point to follow up. Some people – usually from the religious right – […]

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The Dividing Line

Recently, Citizen Tom wrote a post decrying democratic socialism. Leaving aside serious questions around whether or not the Democrats of the US political system are truly socialists (or even whether they have serious socialist leanings, something that is highly debateable), his post serves as the foundation for some interesting discussion points. Democratic Socialism As defined […]

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Why Can’t Evangelicals Speak the Truth About Trump?

That is the question asked by my friend Bruce Gerencser, and it is certainly an interesting question. What is it about Trump that turns many an Evangelical (who so often proclaim themselves to be bastions of truth) into unrepentant liars? Consider how much they turn a blind eye to Trump’s inciteful behaviour over the Jan […]

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Moral Law

I recently got into a brief discussion with Citizen Tom about moral law. Tom then wrote a post about ignorance of the moral law, which got me wondering. Is there one true moral law, or is this a more fluid situation, dependent upon varying religious and cultural circumstances? Tom quoted Merriam-Webster regarding moral law, which […]

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