The Meerkat Muse: 26th June 2024

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! Inching Closer We are edging towards the 4th of July, and the General Election here in the UK. I am increasingly considering voting for the Greens, who have a fair manifesto built around unburdening the poor and needy, but the reality is that Labour will win. The question is […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 29/5/24

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! As we hurtle towards the end of May, what’s been happening? Life Insurance I’ll grant this is not the most exciting place to start a Muse, but a couple of weeks ago I had a call about my existing life insurance policy. As I do have life insurance, I […]

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The Meerkat Muse – 1st May 2024

Suspicious Minds You may be wondering where I am going with this. Well, this relates to possible efforts to get into some of my accounts. Specifically, I had an email alerting me to someone who tried, and failed, to access my mobile phone account. Going back further, I’ve had sporadic emails alerting me to attempts […]

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The Meerkat Muse – 17/4/24

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! We begin with some big work-related news, news that I hope will provide relief to a lot of people, albeit for different reasons. I find myself having mixed feelings, because of the circumstances of a colleague’s resignation, but ultimately this will prove for the best for all parties. It […]

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Writing Prompts: Among Us?

For many years (decades even), the belief in intelligent alien life has seen two primary interpretations. The mainstream scientific idea is that it is almost certainly out there, but well beyond our ability to detect (much less communicate with) using current technology. There are on-going efforts to locate potentially habitable worlds, and the SETI (Search […]

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