Fontana & Istilor

Welcome to my second book! Fontana & Istilor has been bubbling away for several months. It burst into my brain in the early part of 2023, and it would not leave until it had been fully realised. I am proud of this, it is completely different to The Awakening, and thus has its own, unique […]

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The Awakening

Back in 2019 (yes, I am aware I’ve told this story before), I started a journey. It began as a piece of… well, not fan fiction, for it was an original piece of work, but it was a story for my website. I developed it during quiet periods at work, and at home. I was […]

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Jumpmaster Press

I want to introduce you to my publishers, namely the good people of Jumpmaster Press! Jumpmaster Press have a huge selection of sci-fi and fantasy stories from a wide range of authors, including Star Trek: Deep Space Nine actor Armin Shimerman. Jumpmaster Press have given me an opportunity and they have helped me to hone […]

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The Forums

That’s the idea behind the forums, which can be found here. Well, ok, maybe not unlimited – I mean, we’re bound to disagree, and I welcome robust discussions! If you are interested, sign up – but by all means browse first to see if there are topics of interest, and feel free to create topics […]

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Pinning the Important Stuff

I figured it wouldn’t hurt to put all the ways and means of contacting/interacting with me in one, easy to find place – in case the social media links weren’t obvious enough. An important project is The Coalition of the Brave. New contributors are always welcome. You can catch me on Facebook. You’ll definitely catch […]

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Writing Prompts: How Old is Too Old?

EDIT: this post was written a few weeks ago, before Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for the 2024 elections. I’ve left it otherwise unmodified, because I believe the overall point stands. Leaving aside for a moment my opinions as to who would be a better president, my thoughts drift to whether or not either candidate […]

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Writing Prompts: La Silampa

The Meerkat World Tour continues, and today this handsome fellow finds himself in Panama. La Silampa is a gorgeous lake, and said to be a great spot for swimming, but it also holds a terrifying legend. La Silampa is also known as the Mother of the Night, and it is said that on wintery, rainy […]

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The F1 Manager Prologue

Here we go then. For the first time since 2016, Formula One will have 11 teams on the grid. A combination of pressures upon Liberty Media, especially following the failure of Andretti F1 to get on the grid, and the resulting backlash from that decision, has led to something of a spectacular reversal. However, whilst […]

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Writing Prompts: A Fear of Robots

It is not without a certain measure of irony that I write about the subject of machines taking over our lives, considering that I use AI art generators for my meerkat art. However, the wider story here is ‘will we ever face a rise of the machines?’ In one sense, robots have already taken over […]

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Writing Prompts: Greener Grass

The question asked by Auntie Pam on Twitter is: Is the grass greener on the other side? The other side of what? Is it greener when you’re dead? Is that what it means?! Because you’re fertilising the grass?! Phew, there’s a bit to unpack here! There is a popular expression, ‘the grass is always greener […]

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Writing Prompts: Model Railways

One of my earliest train memories is of going into London with my mum, dad and brother, where I not only recall the excitement of using the London Underground, but also of visiting a model railway exhibition. The level of detail, and the dedication to the craft, was incredible. Alas, my memory does not permit […]

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