Writing Prompts: The Best Movies I’ve Never Seen

Inspired by this series from Peckapalooza, I thought I’d consider the movies I’m told are superb, but that have never interested me. Some of you may be shocked, even horrified, by the list! I don’t tend to put too much stock in the idea of ‘greatest’ anything, because it’s entirely subjective, but that doesn’t mean […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 20/3/24

Welcome to the latest edition of the Meerkat Muse! Facebook Fails We begin with the events of two weeks ago, when the world briefly melted down due to an outage of Meta’s various social media platforms. I wish I could say that I was immune to this, but my initial reaction was I’d been hacked, […]

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Writing Prompts: Christmas Movies

Ahem! Day 14 of the Meery Christmas Advent Calendar brings Christmas Movies, and with the movies comes the eternal question of whether the 80s classic Die Hard is a Christmas Movie. My wife would say, unequivocally, yes. I would have to agree. After all, the film is about a man trying to get home for […]

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Writing Prompts: Favourite Time Travel Story

For the second day running, you can thank William, of the Warthog Report, for a prompt! This time the question is ‘favourite time travel story’, but what – or when (heh) – is the answer? It is tempting to reach for the low-hanging fruit of Doctor Who. Time travel is a defining element of the […]

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