The Meerkat Muse: 29/5/24

Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! As we hurtle towards the end of May, what’s been happening? Life Insurance I’ll grant this is not the most exciting place to start a Muse, but a couple of weeks ago I had a call about my existing life insurance policy. As I do have life insurance, I […]

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The Meerkat Muse: 20/3/24

Welcome to the latest edition of the Meerkat Muse! Facebook Fails We begin with the events of two weeks ago, when the world briefly melted down due to an outage of Meta’s various social media platforms. I wish I could say that I was immune to this, but my initial reaction was I’d been hacked, […]

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Writing Prompts: Piercings

To answer the question, no, I do not have any piercings. My wife considers piercings to be very sexy, but I am not brave enough to get one done! To be fair, at one point I’d have never considered tattoos, and now have several, but a piercing – especially of say, a nipple, or the […]

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Writing Prompts: AI Meerkat Art

A few times now, I have placed prompts and ideas into AI art generators. The results come from an app called Imagine, and via Bing. Personally, I think Bing is slightly better, but both apps/sites have served up some colourful and creative interpretations of the suggested prompts. Yes, I am going to show you what […]

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