Different Standards

For some reason, society holds victims of one form of crime to completely different standards. Is this because of the form this crime takes? It would seem so. Consider that no one would consider blaming a murder victim for getting murdered. No one passes on ‘mitigating circumstances’. No one asks what the victim did to […]

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Judgement and Justice

Recently, I saw a post written by Insanity Bytes, which spoke of yet another sexual abuse scandal involving a Christian pastor. It is worth noting that this sort of scandal is not limited to the Church, nor to any specific faith, nor is it the exclusive domain of the religious. It seems that the sexual […]

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The Correct Way

Recently, David Thiessen of Theology Archaeology has dramatically ramped up his aggressive rhetoric, and gone as far as to call me a chicken, for refusing to respond to a challenge to debate, or to back up my claims. He believes my recent post, on the topic of Burden of Proof, was aimed at him in […]

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When Trolls Get Angry

I recently became aware of a vile comment left on someone’s blog, around eleven years ago, where the commentator called the author a ‘warped moron’, because the author shared a touching story about the birth of two of their children. It seems sharing a personal story filled with love greatly upset this troll. Why would […]

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Writing Prompts: Social Cues

Inspired by this post over at the Monthly Mosquito, I thought I might talk about social cues, and drift into social awkwardness too, and maybe also talk about a bit of social awareness. Angela’s post referenced the tendency of some travellers to place a bag or rucksack on a neighbouring seat on a train. This […]

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How to Make a Strawman

Recently, David Thiessen of Theology Archaeology (who remains too cowardly and too afraid to use my real name, or link to my site, because he is afraid of accountability, I wonder if I should resume using his real details, instead of remaining complicit in his deceit?), wrote an angry post, where he took aim at […]

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Writing Prompts: Sass and Sarcasm

Working in retail sales, you will inevitably face people who feel the need to be passive-aggressive and awkward. These traits are not likely to yield any favours, yet there are still people who think that being rude and difficult will grant them preferential treatment. Here’s a newsflash to those people: it won’t. My approach to […]

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