I don’t really know the answer to this one. Assuming that I cannot say ‘home’ (though home is my absolutely favourite place!), and because whilst I enjoy my job, I will never think of the showroom as a ‘favourite’ place, I need a place that leaves me feeling comfortable. A place where I feel relaxed and at ease.
The cinema complex springs to mind, but I don’t know if I feel it’s a favourite place. The same could be said for any number of coffee shops and restaurants. I like them, but to define them as my ‘favourite place’ is a bit much. I don’t think I have a favourite place in town, there’s nowhere that pulls me in and makes me think ‘wow, I love being here!’ The closest place might be the tattoo parlour, as the process of getting a tattoo is oddly comfortable (you’d think it would be painful, but the pain is a prickle to me), and I can relax during the process. It helps that the local tattooists are nice people!
Ultimately, my favourite place in my home town is home, so if that is an option, it will always win.
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