Writing Prompts: Favourite Season

What is your favorite season of year? Why? Without a shadow of a doubt, summer is my favourite season. Meerkats are not built for cold weather, so when the sun comes out, it brings a smile to my face. I want to be able to enjoy the sunshine, I want blue skies, and cold beers […]

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Writing Prompts: Luxury that I Need

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without? This is a good question, and a difficult one for me to immediately provide an answer to. There are a number of things that I would struggle to do without. Some of them are in fact quite trivial and I would only struggle in the sense that […]

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Writing Prompts: Spirituality

How important is spirituality in your life? I am not an especially spiritual meerkat. I have things I value and believe in, and I certainly believe there is more to the universe than we currently understand, but in terms of, say, chi, and stuff like that? I respect that some people value those concepts, but […]

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Writing Prompts: Past Employment

What jobs have you had? Like most people, I’ve had a few different jobs in my time. As a young, fresh-faced meerkat, I started out working in an office, and did this at different locations for several years. To begin, I was booking hotel rooms and making travel arrangements on behalf of clients of a […]

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Writing Prompts: Legacy

What is the legacy you want to leave behind? When the dust is settling over my life, will I reflect upon it as a worthwhile adventure? Will I feel that I’ve left behind something good? Will my name be fondly remembered? Tough questions. I suppose some of it depends on how you might define ‘legacy’. […]

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Writing Prompts: Productive Times

When do you feel most productive? As a general rule, I think I’m at my most productive in the mornings. After the first coffee of the day, and a bit of breakfast, I tend to find myself feeling… well, not exactly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I’m too much of a grey-muzzle for that, but certainly more […]

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Writing Prompts: Discussion Points

What topics do you like to discuss? I like to discuss a lot of things. I’ve been blogging at Meerkat Musings for nearly ten years, and I’ve been active on the web for even longer. In that time, I have found engaging in – and enjoying, to various degrees – discussions about football, Formula 1, […]

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Writing Prompts: The Road Not Taken

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently? Ah, the road not taken. I can remark upon numerous occasions where I wish I had done something differently. I dare say we can all relate to this. Everyone will have come to a fork in the […]

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Writing Prompts: Do I Vote?

Do you vote in political elections? You can bet your ass that I vote! Ever since I was a young meerkat, I have regarded exercising my right to vote as an important civic duty. I always vote in general elections, and try to vote in local elections too. I can understand why some people abstain, […]

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Writing Prompts: First Thoughts to come to Mind

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind. My immediate first thought when I read this prompt, was ‘I have no idea what I’m thinking’. I read this prompt soon after I woke up. My mind was caught in between conscious processes, and laboured, alarm-driven awakening. Consequently I was on autopilot until that […]

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