Writing Prompts: Legacy

What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

When the dust is settling over my life, will I reflect upon it as a worthwhile adventure? Will I feel that I’ve left behind something good? Will my name be fondly remembered?

Tough questions. I suppose some of it depends on how you might define ‘legacy’.

I do not expect to leave behind a huge, grand, sweeping epic like the Iliad. My life is not filled with grandeur, and I am fine with that. The way I see it, the greatest legacy I can leave this world would be my daughter. She is such a good soul, a kind, creative person, who marches to the beat of her own drum. What more can I ask for as a legacy, than someone like her?

Beyond that, if I somehow leave a legacy of being a superb award-winning author, I won’t be too upset!

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