Fontana & Istilor

Welcome to my second book! Fontana & Istilor has been bubbling away for several months. It burst into my brain in the early part of 2023, and it would not leave until it had been fully realised. I am proud of this, it is completely different to The Awakening, and thus has its own, unique identity. The story and setting are unique, and hopefully people will relate to the zany characters, and what I’d like to believe is clever humour!

When Michael found an old mirror in his late grandfather’s study, he never imagined it would reveal a hidden, epic piece of his family’s history. Trapped in a strange medieval realm, and transformed by the mirror’s mysterious properties, Michael must unravel his grandfather’s legacy, figure out who will help him, and who will hinder him, and somehow find his way home. Along the way, he will discover things about himself, perform feats he never knew he could, and he will confront more than one form of fear.

Fontana & Istilor is a coming-of-age story, about finding conviction, even in the strangest and bleakest of circumstances. It is about learning that seeking help from friends is not weakness, but strength. It is about not giving up, even when you really want to. It is about taking one step at a time.

Fontana & Istilor is available to order via Amazon UK, Amazon USA, and other Amazon locations. Please check out my interview with Berneta L. Haynes at Waking Writer here!

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