Writing: What are you most Proud of?

What are you most proud of in your life?

Without a shadow of a doubt, I am most proud of my daughter. From the moment I witnessed her arrive into this world, all the way through to now, she has made me proud, every single day. I know this is an unbearably sappy answer, but it’s also the truth. She has taught me so much, and continues to reward my life with her presence.

I am also proud of my wife. She is a strong woman, stronger than she knows, who has enriched my life in ways I find difficult to put into words. I can’t not mention my stepdaughter and step-grandaughter either, who have both proven themselves to be worthy of admiration for their perseverance. It goes without saying that I am proud of my parents, brother, indeed my family, for everything they have endured, and everything they have accomplished.

I ought to bring up my book too! I’m obviously proud of that, but nothing compares to how proud I am of my family.

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