Writing Prompts: If there was a biography about you, what would the title be?

Of Mice and Meerkats…

Maybe not. Meerkat Musings? Naming my biography after the site wouldn’t be a bad idea, would it?

Let’s face it, the story of my life, as naturally important as it is to me, and to my close family and friends, isn’t going to garner a lot of attention beyond that narrow window. I’m fine with that. I have not changed the world. I have not done anything especially profound that’s had a global or even regional impact. I’m not looking for glory, or fame. I haven’t achieved either, and I am not unhappy. My biography would be no different to that of millions, indeed billions, of other people. What would I say? Would I recount all the awkward, difficult memories from school? How about moments from work I’d sooner forget? I don’t think any of that would make for a unique, best-selling biography. I’m content to let this site be what might be considered a ‘running bio’, though of course, there are details I don’t share, but some stuff is too personal for a site like this. Well, to me it is. To each their own.

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