Hmm. Hmmmmmmm. It could be the TV. It does pretty much get used every day. It’s at least 10 years old, if not slightly older, but still works absolutely fine. Its exact usage varies; it is largely used for gaming, though there are quite a few TV shows my family and I enjoy. One day we’ll replace it, but only when it gives up for the final time.
I use alot of oldest things, though not daily. My 1960s Gillette slim adjustable safety razor… My early 1960s reverware copper bottom stovetop percolator… a late 1930s custom bilt tobacco pipe… I love old things. But the one I use Daily, whether with juice,tea,coffee or the occasional beer is a stoneware mug I picked up in a salvation army thrift store in 1988. Its a German mug promoting lowenbrau and lufthansa from an “oktoberfest” (note the German spelling vs American english) in Munich.