
Some memories fade with time. This is inevitable, our frail human brains cannot recall everything in crystal clear detail forever. Some memories though, remain strong and vivid.

In particular, as the moment is fast approaching to celebrate her birthday, there is the memory of my daughter’s birth. I can recall feeling… Tense? Expectant? Nervous? Waiting for what felt like forever as my wife endured a long labour, until finally the midwife declared she could see the head, and my emotions began to pour out. In that moment, it all became real to me. When my daughter came into this world and I could lay eyes on her for the first time, I cried. She was the most perfect, beautiful little bundle. I remember looking at her through tear-stained eyes, saying as best I could “hello, I’m your daddy’.

Flash forward nearly ten years, and it just feels so crazy to think that an entire decade has gone by. My daughter has gone from being that gorgeous little bundle to a girl with her own distinct personality. It would be fair to say that their transformation from little baby to animated person creeps up on you. It’s a tiring, exhausting and stressful journey, but it’s one I would not trade for all the world’s wealth.

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