Writing Prompts: Sex Education! (NSFW!)


Let me reiterate, this post is not suitable for work! However, it is perhaps not for the reasons you think (or hope!).

I am no prude. I am a man of the world, and familiar with activities of an, um, personal nature. Let it also be said that if people wish to educate themselves about sex, that’s good! There are several ways in which to do this, from safe-sex practices and contraception, to ensuring consent is understood and granted. There’s also education in the form of, um, understanding… oh, how do I put this?! Pleasure.

After all, sex is an expression of love, passion, and pleasure. Good partners will want to please one another. Communication is key with this, as it is in so many aspects of a relationship, and so talking to your partner about what they like, and what you like, is pretty important if you both want to reach the, er, peak, so to speak, of your relationship! Of course, sometimes, people feel embarrassed or awkward about talking to their partners, so they may seek advice from elsewhere.

I am not going to brag. I am not a person to turn to for advice! There are professionals who people can seek out for the best suggestive suggestions, so why is it then that I received a private message on Twitter, asking for advice on certain practices?!

Ahem! Who does this?! Who asks a random stranger about techniques?! Can you imagine doing this in say, the pub?! It’s very peculiar behaviour! I dare say if you want answers to, well, any sexual activity, Google is your friend, for a variety of reasons! Asking random people via social media is a bit forward, to put it mildly. For the record, I ignored this message. I just cannot compute why they asked me!

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