The Thinking ‘Kat: Fact-checking Conundrums

As part of my on-going efforts to be a multi-channel meerkat, I present my latest thoughts in video form! Hopefully, you can tolerate my voice…

If watching a video is not your thing, then I’ll briefly summarise: in short, I am gravely concerned at Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to stop fact-checking what people post on his social media platforms. The only people who benefit from this are the ones who are currently lying, and you don’t need three guesses to work out who those people are. This is a move designed to support Donald Trump, and other hard-right conservatives. They are the ones who have whined the loudest about fact-checking, because they are the ones who lie the most.

Since it is about to become acceptable to deceive on Facebook, Instagram and Threads, it falls to the regular people to police both themselves, and those who lie to us. All we can do is try.

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