Meerkat Reblogs: Is The Resistance Finally Beginning?

I have a file overflowing with snarky snippets, but ‘tis late on the night before Thanksgiving and I’ve been busy baking pies, making homemade …
Is The Resistance Finally Beginning?
I love Jill Dennison. Her thoughts and observations of MAGA culture are spot-on, and hers is a much-needed voice in the blogsphere, providing regular commentary on how to resist Trump and his team. Her post about resistance is showing that Democrats – some of them at least – are already starting to mount a fight-back against Trump’s Republicans. Whilst some in the comments on her post have suggested that the Republicans should be allowed to ruin themselves on their own petard, the risk with this is that they will ruin the USA in the process, and I for one am with Jill, it is important to be vocal, and active, in repelling Trump’s agenda. Here’s hoping that this works.
Thank you so much, Ben, for sharing this one and for your very kind words!!!
You are most welcome 🙂