Writing Prompts: Armistice Day

red flower near white flower during daytime
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Armistice Day, known around the world as Remembrance Day, Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day, is when the world collectively pauses, to remember the fallen of wars and conflict, and to reflect upon the sacrifices made by so many. In many parts of the world, the poppy, which grew on the fields of WWI battlegrounds, has become a symbolic of that sacrifice, and it is a cause close to my own heart.

My Grandfather, himself a WWII veteran, diligently raised money for the Poppy Appeal, year after year after year. It greatly mattered to him, so it matters to me too, and one of the charities I regularly give to is the Poppy Appeal.

It is important, perhaps now more than ever, to remember the fallen, because we now live in a world where there are no surviving veterans from WWI, and fewer and fewer veterans from WWII still live to speak of their experiences. It is therefore vital that we remember on their behalf, and keep their spirits alive within us. If we forget, as it sadly appears so many already have, we pave the way for a return to some of the most terrible chapters of human history, so let us always remember.

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