The F1 2009 Game Diary Round 9 – Germany

After a British Grand Prix that was, frankly, disappointing, I came into the German GP in a more optimistic mood. The  Nurburgring was the venue and I rather enjoyed this track. There were no especially difficult corners and in practice sessions I was posting competitive lap times, that I was able to convert into pole […]

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The F1 2009 Wii Game Diary Round 8 – Silverstone

So, having taken a trio of wins at the last three events (Spain, Monaco and Turkey), I came to Silverstone feeling moderately confident, despite not traditionally enjoying this track on F1 games (the fast turns from 2 to 6 in particular have a tendency to outfox me, and I would usually drift wide through at […]

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The F1 2009 Game Diary Round 7 – Turkey

After a stunning second win of the season at Monaco, my F1 circus rolled into Istanbul Park for the Turkish Grand Prix. Few tracks in F1 run counter-clockwise, but Turkey is one of them. The track is fast, featuring one of Formula 1’s fastest corners, the long but quick turn 8. There aren’t many areas […]

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The F1 2009 Game Diary Round 6 – Monaco

It’s pretty much a requirement at every F1 race to concentrate. You need focus, and you need confidence. In order to have a good race, you need to put in a shift across each and every lap, because one lapse can ruin your afternoon. Nowhere is this more true than Monaco. Whereas the Spanish Grand […]

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The F1 2009 Game Diary Part 5 – Spain

So the season entered its European leg with the Spanish Grand Prix at Catalunya. This track, like Bahrain, is crafted for speed, and I found it to be a great track to drive! I was able to master the track quite quickly and began to post some pretty quick lap times, even on the hard […]

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The F1 2009 Diary Part 4 – Bahrain

So round four of my F1 2009 Wii Edition career was at the Bahrain International Circuit, and I wasn’t at all confident following practice and qualifying. China had been a race of good qualifying followed by going backwards. Bahrain was shaping up to be bad qualifying and a bad race. This is very a track […]

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The F1 2009 Wii Edition Diary – Round 3

After mixed feelings following the Malaysian Grand Prix (disappointed  to need brake assist, pleased to come from 13th to 5th), I took on the Chinese Grand Prix at Shanghai. In practice I was generally able to go pretty fast and put in some very competitive lap times. I dare say I enjoyed this track, which […]

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The F1 2009 Game Diary P2

So, onwards to the second part of my F1 2009 Wii edition career! Round two was at the Sepang circuit in Malaysia: This was my first experience of a wet race – and I didn’t enjoy it! My practice sessions didn’t fare too well, but with a clear track ahead of me I was able […]

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The F1 2009 Game Diary P1

So, after a year of exciting F1 action this season, we have come to a point where F1 is absent from our screens until next March! Argh! In a bid to not go completely mad without my F1, I started a game on F1 2009 (Wii edition). Why 2009? Well, simply put, it’s the only […]

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