The F1 2015 Season Preview

After a long winter (not aided by some shaky performances on the football pitch from Liverpool), Formula 1 is finally set to return! On 13th March, practice begins for the opening round in Melbourne, Australia, with the race itself taking place on the 15th. I cannot wait! So, what are the expectations? Mercedes The Mercedes […]

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Disgusting Attitudes and Noble Causes

In the wake of the tragic loss of Leonard Nimoy, you would think that people would be focusing on the loss keenly felt by his fans, his colleagues, his friends and of course, his family. Unfortunately, there are some parties out there that seem determined to use this occasion to troll and berate. Most notably, […]

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Farewell Leonard, you lived long and prospered

As by now many of you reading this will know, today the world lost a beautiful soul. The mild-mannered, talented actor, director, poet and all-round wonderful man Leonard Nimoy has passed away, at the age of 83. When Star Trek began, few could know what it would become. The show was made on a comparatively […]

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F1 2009 Season 2 Round 3 – China

So after a brief break it was back to the fray and back to China for round 3 of the 2010 season. The first two races had gone very well – wins at circuits I hadn’t quite been able to quite win at before had given me confidence ahead of Shanghai. Last time around I […]

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Things to look forward to

As February slowly gives way to March (crawling slowly on its belly as it happens), I look back upon the first two months of the year with… well, I don’t think regret is the right word but it’s the only word that springs to mind. The two jobs I was especially keen on landing both didn’t work […]

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Pedantic Customers

  So a man comes into the store. He notices that we (regrettably) have 2014 calendars still out. Obviously, we shouldn’t have them out. It’s an unfortunate oversight. He tells me he’s taken a picture of them and will make head office aware. Aware of what? That we’re human beings, trying our hardest to do our […]

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F1 2009 Season 2 Round 2 – Malaysia

So, the second race of season 2 brings us back to Sepang, Malaysia – where I didn’t fare too well last time. My first run through here saw the race run in wet conditions and I struggled, ultimately putting the brake assist on in order to handle the circuit and conditions. This time around, I […]

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Site Updates (or lack thereof)

So it’s apparent to anyone reading this site that the main site hasn’t seen an update in a little while. This is not because I am not working on the site – I have plans in place – but rather because real life takes precedence and right now, there is a lot going on as […]

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A Taste of what’s to come?

So, recently I have been doing some searching. As part of this, I have had to twice travel into London, and not just to the immediate corner of London, but I’ve had to make my way across the city. Cue a voyage on the infamous London Underground. Last Sunday the journey was diabolical (the result […]

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