Meerkat Prompts: Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech?
I have, on more than occasion, been on stage, and given speeches. I ought to qualify that. My stage days were during my school days, when I performed in some school plays. I had a lot of fun doing that, and fond memories from those occasions. I played Sir Andrew Aguecheek in a production of Twelfth Night, among other things, and it was a joyous experience. However, talented actor I am not, so this did not end up being my career path!
As far as speeches go, I’ve given speeches as both groom and best man, the standard, entertaining wedding fare! I have also given… well, I suppose it’s less of a speech, and more of a presentation, but I am rather proud of my interview performance for a major London retail store. Out of all the people giving a presentation on technology, I was the only one to go via memory and instinct, providing a bit of flare to proceedings. For anyone wondering, I made it to the next stage of the interview.
In general terms, I don’t have many opportunities to give speeches. My work and the flow of my personal life don’t really afford me those opportunities. I very much doubt I will wind up on stage again, but speeches, whilst not a common happenstance, could yet happen again, for a variety of reasons. It’s actually a sort of enjoyable experience for me, especially when I get to go ‘off the cuff’, as I did when I spilled red wine down my neatly prepared best man’s speech at my brother’s wedding!
Do YouTube videos count as speeches? Probably not.