Meerkat Prompts: Years to Revisit

Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?

If I had to choose, I would have two candidates.

2004 was a good year for me. I had the trip of a lifetime to the amazing land of Australia, and I would love to go back, but whilst I reflect upon the wonderful experience I had out there, there were blissful moments to be had closer to home.

2004 was the year I met my wife, and I don’t recall ever feeling so giddy with love. It’s true what they say about falling in love, you really do fall, in the best possible way. Needless to say, 2004 changed the course of my life, putting me on a completely different trajectory. It was certainly melodramatic for a man barely out of his teens to lament that he would never find love at that age, but nonetheless, when I met her, I had put the idea on the backburner. She waltzed into my life at exactly the right time.

The other year I would happily re-live is 2010, the year I became a father. There is no more amazing feeling the world than seeing your child come into the world, and cradling them in your arms for the first time. It was by far the most beautiful, emotional moment of my life, and a memory I will cherish forever. There is nothing more peaceful than having your baby fall asleep in your arms, and I got to enjoy this wonderful occasion many times over.

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