Meerkat Prompts: Road Trips

Think back on your most memorable road trip.

I can’t say I’ve ever really done a true, bonafide road trip, as depicted in the movies. It’s not impossible to do a typical road trip here in the UK, but it’s a rather unconventional activity in a nation you can cross in a day by train. This is obviously not to say that I’ve never had lengthy car journeys, but I cannot class them as road trips.

The closest thing to a road trip was also one of the most regular-ish trips I’d undertake. Sometimes, my father would travel from Hertfordshire to Worthing, on the UK’s south coast, to pick up my nan’s sister, drop my nan off there to see her, or collect her. Sometimes my brother and I would go with my dad on this round trip, which would take a few hours. The greatest highlight of this was not so much the ride itself, but rather the epic roast dinner my mum would prepare for our return. On other occasions, we would take a family journey to Bristol, where my aunt would also have prepared a glorious roast feast. Car voyages to Bristol were mixed with train trips, which I will confess I preferred to car trips.

Aside from the lack of a need for long, classic car rides in this country (well, the lack of a want for them), long car travels tend to leave me a bit… not exactly queasy, but unsettled. They drain me, quite thoroughly, leaving me very much preferring train rides. I am not a car ‘kat, so to speak. I suppose if the circumstances arose, it could be a possibility, but I would ultimately enjoy a lengthy train ride!

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