Author’s note: all screenshots are from my copy of the Mario games, via Nintendo Switch Online, unless otherwise stated.
The first time I ever played a video in earnest, it was Super Mario Bros. This game is what’s known as a platformer, featuring a series of levels where Mario runs, jumps and sometimes swims, dodging or slaying enemies and navigating various obstacles. That first game had eight worlds, and each world had four stages, culminating in a castle stage, with a boss at the end. Along the way, you could find power-ups to boost Mario, and sometimes, these were hidden in unexpected places. In fact, the original game started a staple trend of the franchise: secrets. Nintendo wanted to reward players who were prepared to explore, with pipes that led to hidden coins, means to skip entire stages, and hidden blocks that held power-ups, or even extra lives.
Down the years the Mario games have gotten more sophisticated in terms of graphics and also in terms of what Mario can do. Super Mario Bros 3 introduced the power of flight, more elaborate maps, new mechanics and still more secrets. Super Mario World granted Mario the loveable dinosaur companion Yoshi, who could eat enemies. Super Mario 64, the first of the 3D Mario games, was a revelation. However, I dare say I am not as fond of Mario’s fancier 3D adventures. I’ll add some detail to that opinion elsewhere.

Mario has not been confined to his regular series. In 1992 he went go-karting, in Super Mario Kart, and there have been numerous sequels. He’s appeared in football, tennis and golf games. There’s been role-playing games, party games, and Mario has starred in the fighting franchise Super Smash Bros. The character of the Italian plumber, along with his brother Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Yoshi, and the prime antagonist Bowser, featured in an animated movie in 2023 (I will not discuss the abomination of the 1993 live-action film). He is instantly recognisable, and has been the heart of Nintendo for decades. Let me take you through some of his games that I for one have come to love.