I love science fiction. I have done since I was a cub. My appreciation for it didn’t truly bloom until the 1990s, when I began to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. My mum introduced me to it, and I was pretty-much hooked from the moment I started watching. I had been aware of The Original Series, and the original films, but I can’t claim to have understood or appreciated them for what they were at the time, and the same could be said of Star Wars. It took the re-release of the Original Trilogy in 1997 for me to really get into it.
Star Trek has been my sci-fi gateway. Through it, I not only found Star Wars, but also Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Stargate, and a lot more. I have thoroughly enjoyed sci-fi books, such as the Honorverse series by David Weber, and the Void Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton. There is a lot of dramatic action to be found within these shows, movies and books, but what is more compelling, what makes sci-fi so interesting, is how it explores humanity. Star Trek in particular has examined the human species in various ways, asking questions and looking at themes that challenge our perspectives.
Fantasy stories have also been of interest to me, though not quite as much as sci-fi. Nonetheless, I have deeply enjoyed The Lord of the Rings movies, I have watched, and largely enjoyed, Game of Thrones (though I will not speak of the final season!), and there are other tales of mystical realms that have enchanted me.
What follows will be pages that speak more directly of the different franchises I love, in greater detail. I hope you enjoy them!