The Meerkat Responds: The Final Answer
When I carried out the reset of Meerkat Musings, earlier in the year, I intended for it to be a clean break, in at least some respects, from what had come before. One area where this needs to happen is my ‘relationship’ with the author of Theology Archaeology, Mr David Thiessen. For nearly nine years, Mr Thiessen has harassed, defamed, and deceived, where me and my posts have been concerned. He has lied and distorted my work, and the work of others, to pursue a hate campaign. He will deny this, but the truth of my words can be found within his writings. In my last post, I pointed out that he deemed it acceptable to accuse me of wanting to murder Christians, or wanting to see Christians be murdered. In the past, Mr Thiessen has made it plain he has a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ attitude towards much of life.
There is no reasoning with a man who believes himself above everyone else, as Mr Thiessen clearly does. How else can a divorcee lecture others on what presents acceptable grounds for divorce? How else can a man who thinks intimidating and bullying his partner is not somehow a form of abuse, see fit to lecture others on what abuse looks like? How else can a man who fathers a child that he subsequently abandons speak of what it takes to be a good parent? How else can a man who commits social security fraud (whilst using fake identities) write about respecting the law? It takes some extraordinary cognitive disassociation to perform the mental gymnastics Mr Thiessen performs, but he nonetheless finds a way to insist he is absolutely right, and beyond question in all things, to the stage where his pretzel logic really is remarkable.
For the benefit of Insanity Bytes and Barabbas, you may find the following five posts, which contain at their heart a sworn deposition, featuring Mr Thiessen himself, insightful. P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 all provide evidence that Mr Thiessen himself has not dared to challenge, though I am quite certain some form of hysterical response from him is inevitable, where he will cast vague assertions, without ever actually debunking a single line. They may want to ask him a few questions about his tendency to be cruel as well. It might be worth reviewing his belief that children should be forced to have children.
I left a comment on his latest display of petulance, but I suspect he will lack the courage or conviction to publish it, much less respond correctly:
I know you will not permit this comment of mine, because of your fear, but every word you wrote is little more than one gigantic, and rather cowardly lie. Your actions down these past eight years should be a source of self-reflection for you, and represent an opportunity to move on from your various histrionics, yet it sadly appears you wish to maintain a childish feud.
I have been reasonable, in the face of your lies and libel. You have been dishonourable. Anyone can see that for themselves, or they would see that, if you were not so afraid of me that you don’t dare call me out by name.
I have no intention of going into 2025 wasting any further energy on this miscreant, hypocritical troll. I am confident that he has exposed himself for who and what he truly is.
I’m sorry that you are, once again, the target of Thiessen’s vitriol and attacks. His latest post about the both of us is, by far, his worst. I intend to respond soon, not that I think it will do any good. The only reason I respond to him is to set the record straight, just in case someone stumbles upon his slander.
I didn’t know you have been dealing with his BS for eight years, much longer than I have. You are a good man, Ben. You deserve better. I will never understand why Thiessen behaves this way. Neither of us are Christians. If he really cares for our souls and wants to see us saved, he has an odd way of showing it.
Have a blessed holiday season.
It was a strange sort of post. I expected him to come at me, in light of my previous post, but his rage towards you came out as well, as though he felt the need to unleash his fury for the sake of it. Thank you for your kind words, I doubt I am a good man, I would definitely rate you higher, but I am trying to do better, which is all we can ever ask of ourselves. Some people don’t seem to want to.