Meerkat Prompts: The ‘Archaeologist Saga’, P3

Following on from part one and part two of this particular saga, how did Mr David Thiessen respond to the demonstration of his hypocrisy, cowardice and dishonesty?

The short answer is that he didn’t. The long answer is that he doubled-down on his behaviour, demonstrating – with more than one deeply disturbed post – that he is quite content to prove he lacks conviction and confidence in his own words. He also continues to demonstrate that he lives in a fantasy world, addressing imagined constructs of what I have written (as well as displaying a similar fantasy in regards to my friend Bruce Gerencser).

To put this into parlance that Mr Thiessen might understand, he needs to grow a pair. I am loathe to make use of such crude commentary, and loathe to employ remarks that can be easily construed as filled with latent sexism, but it seems Mr Thiessen does not understand reason, facts, logic, compassion or honesty. His latest posts have not only evaded any sense of accountability or professionalism, they are once again lazy, and moreover, filled with the sort of venom that betrays his true nature. I am not going to waste time dissecting his twisted rants, because the chances are good that he would not understand the points I would raise, and nor would he try to. It would be too difficult for him, and his ego would not permit him to consider he is not right in all things.

It is sorely tempting to direct anyone who might be interested to several posts that highlight, in considerable detail, who Mr Thiessen really is. He will possibly squeal that this is unreasonable, but then again, when has reason and consideration mattered to him? Instead, by way of rounding off this series, and by way of saying farewell to self-styled (but rarely demonstrated) ‘doctor’ David Thiessen, I will refer you to a couple of Google searches. Google “Dr David Tee” and “theologyarchaeology” to gain a picture of who this man is, and why he lacks any moral authority. Ponder why Mr Thiessen felt it necessary to be cruel to a grieving father, or why he makes insensitive remarks about Bruce and his health concerns. Perhaps ask him why he felt the need to be nasty about someone celebrating something wonderful (the birth of twins)?

This is merely the tip of the iceberg. There are matters I have not even begun to discuss, matters that relate to fraud, identity, and even worse displays of repugnant character. I have no particular interest in going over those matters here, but rest assured the details are out there, and they demonstrate, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the dishonesty, hypocrisy, and cowardice of Mr Thiessen.

Will he continue to write posts that abuse my material? Without question. Will he grow a pair and give me proper credit for my words? Doubtful. Will he even attempt to address my content, or will he continue to address only the fantasy constructed in his mind? That seems the most likely scenario.

With all of that said, I leave Mr Thiessen to stroke his own ego, display his fear of accountability, and scream into the void, as I am certain he will.

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