The Thinking ‘Kat: Bigotry Rises

It’s starting. Recently, Republican Representative Josh Schriver declared on Twitter of his desire to make same-sex marriage illegal again. Make no mistake, this is a sign, a signal if you will. The will is there, within the rank and file of Republicans and the Trump administration, to work toward eroding the rights and freedoms of anyone who is not a heterosexual, white, Christian American male.

Schriver himself is definitely approaching this from a Christian perspective, and tacitly expressing his wish to impose his beliefs upon anyone and everyone else. There is nothing to gained from stripping same-sex couples of their marriages, just as there is nothing to be gained from stripping anyone of their rights, yet this mentality is invasive. The LGBT community has had to fight for years for any measure of equality in what is meant to be a secular state, and now that equality is under threat from those who wish to turn the USA into a theocracy. I would say it is unlikely Schriver would see any measure of success in forcing his beliefs on others, but we are living in uncertain times.

It certainly seems that divisive and stifling ideas are coming to the fore.

The question that needs considering, as it so often does, is ‘why do the religious want to impose their beliefs?’ Why do conservatives seem so bent on curtailing the rights of those who do not affect them in any conceivable way? I am reminded of Bruce Gerencser’s post about persecution complexes. There seems to a fantasy with Christianity (some branches at least) where everyone must yield to Christian ways of thinking, regardless of their beliefs, and regardless of their rights. Any refusal to accept this imposition is then subject to much hand-wringing, and the implication that non-Christians not accepting Christianity somehow equates to persecution of Christians.

The key questions that I would put out there on this subject would be as follows:

  1. Is your life impacted by same-sex couples getting married? If so, how?
  2. Do you know anyone whose life has been negatively impacted by same-sex couples getting married, and if so, how?
  3. Can you provide any evidence that society is negatively impacted by same-sex marriage? Please provide sources and explanations.

I look forward to seeing some answers.

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