Meerkat Prompts: Portland Rabbits
Earlier today, I learned of two things. I learned of the existence of Portland, a little stub of an island at the bottom of Dorset on England’s south coast. I also learned that this tiny isle hosts a local legend: do not say rabbit!
You might be wondering how the humble, cute fluffy rabbit has come to be a taboo subject on a quaint piece of the Dorset coast. The answer lies in the sort of work that takes place in Portland. There are a number of quarries there, and it is said that rabbits can cause landslips from their burrowing efforts, which was especially dangerous when quarry work was done by hand. If a rabbit was seen, people would down tools until the rabbit was gone, such was the extent of the risk. Such was the superstition that arose from the the mere sight of a rabbit that the very word itself became off limits.
Today, it seems locals react with a sort of faux fear of the word, primarily for the benefit of tourists. They also refer to rabbits as bunnies, and a couple of other, more interesting terms! How about ‘Underground furry things?’ I rather like the the sound of ‘underground mutton’… anyway, there you have it, a unique little local legend, inspired by one of the cutest creatures you can find!