Meerkat Prompts: ‘Woke’ Food
There’s a ‘newspaper’ in the UK, The Daily Mail, which in recent times has become synonymous with absurdity. They appear to pride themselves on some extremely strange takes, and one of their latest is also one of their strangest.
Apparently, younger generations are ditching traditional sandwich fillings for ‘woke’ options. What precisely makes these options woke is anybody’s guess, since the paper made this into a headline, only to fail to offer up any thoughts in the article itself. Perhaps it was merely click-bait, something The Daily Mail is certainly guilty of.
Perhaps the person or persons responsible for writing and publishing the article are genuinely put out by how younger generations are using different fillings? There is a lot of choice out there, and people seem more willing to experiment with flavour. The question could also be asked, is there really such a thing as a ‘traditional’ sandwich filling? UK history is filled with unique options. Coronation chicken, crab and cucumber, and all sorts of other fillings go back many years. It is awfully weird for anyone to get upset about someone else’s choice of sandwich, but then, getting upset over nothing seems to be what the gammon mob do best. I am not fan of avocado, but if you like it in your sandwich, go for it!