Meerkat Prompts: Werewolves and Vets
Hold onto your hats, this one gets a little weird. This prompt comes from More Odds than Ends, a site I found via Wyldkat’s Lair, and it reads as: The veterinarian wasn’t sure what to say when the werewolf walked into his waiting room.
Eric Cooper stepped out from his examination room, into a scene of carnage and chaos. He had heard his receptionist’s excited screams, and the panicked yelps and mewling of the menagerie of animals in the waiting room, and all Eric’s years of experience had not prepared him for what he witnessed. Standing in the doorway to the waiting room, looking somewhat sodden from the unusual summer rain, and looking decidedly sheepish, stood not merely a very hairy man, but a creature of legend.
The werewolf’s piercing blue eyes stared at him, but they did not speak of hunger, instead they looked nervous, even fearful. The tattered remnants of dark blue jeans protected the apparently male werewolf’s dignity, which Eric considered a small victory in the swirling storm of unfolding terror.
“Sorry, um, doctor? I had an accident, and didn’t know where else to go,” the werewolf spoke in a surprisingly soothing, deep accent.
“It’s, um, quite alright, Mr Zaci, could you please rearrange my other appointments, I think this, um, patient, takes priority.”
The receptionist, open-mouthed, slowly turned his head to Eric, then to the werewolf, and back to Eric. By now, the other patients had hurriedly vacated, and Eric came to that realisation with a small grin.
“Well, it seems I have some availability. Please, follow me to the examination area.”
The werewolf followed Eric through, though he had to both duck, and shimmy in, owing to an impressive bulk. Eric closed the door behind them.
“So, I guess I should start with a standard question, what seems to be the problem?” he asked.
The wolf placed a hand on the back of his neck, in the universal gesture of embarrassment.
“Well, see, I need my claws clipping, and I can’t do it myself, so, would you be able to take care of that for me?”
Eric blinked, sighed, and nodded.
“Alright, but Kevin, I swear this is the last time you disrupt my surgery with this request. Next time, please come after dark.”
This is adorable. I love the small twist at the end.
I’m glad you found MOTE, I hope you’ll stick around.
Thank you! I am going to endeavour to read more of these charming MOTEs, and I will certainly aim to stick around 🙂