Meerkat Prompts: Nostalgia

What makes you feel nostalgic?

Nostalgia is defined as happy, wistful memories of the past, though perhaps tinged with a hint of longing for those times. I have certainly felt my share of nostalgia down the years, and I sometimes reflect upon the moments in my life I would most like to revisit. Among those highlights, a lot can be said for the year 2004, which is the year I met my wife. I have many, many joyful memories of our early times together. The whole process of falling in love is a dizzying, passionate, wonderful feeling, and I reflect very fondly on those times. 2004 was also the year I went to Australia, and I have many happy memories of my time spent out there.

I can refer to any one of a number of family weddings, parties and Christmases. I love my family gatherings, and I do catch myself missing the days of my youth, spending time with my cousins at boisterous family events.

There are a great many other moments that I remember with misty eyes. The fun times spent with friends at various jobs, the care-free days of summer holidays during my school days, holidays to various places, and the two biggest days of my life, the day I got married, and the day I became a father. In fact, the day I learned I was going to be a father is another amazing memory.

So, to answer the prompt’s question, memories make me nostalgic, but does anything else?

There have been times where I have gone back to Stevenage (indeed, quite a few times), and seeing certain locations has certainly left me recalling a great deal. There are bittersweet memories of my Nan and Grandad’s place, which was only a few minutes’ walk from home. There’s the nursery I attended, of which I have have but one, fleeting memory. There are fish and chip shops close to the homes of old school friends, and memories of playing video games long into the night, attached to thinking of those places. Walking past the now- demolished Staples site in town also sets off memories of times shared with colleagues and friends.

Perhaps nostalgia can be seen as a form of valuing our happy and pleasant memories, reminding us to treasure every moment we spend making those memories, because they won’t come around again, except in our minds and dreams. Food for thought.

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