Meerkat Prompts: Founding a Team

If you started a sports team, what would the colors and mascot be?

It should go without saying that my most likely choice for a mascot would be a meerkat, because what else would I choose?! The colour scheme would be gold and yellow.

Now, with the obvious stuff out of the way, what would my team actually be? Would I found a Formula 1 team, or a football team? I love both sports, but both are very difficult to successfully break into (F1 in particular is very hard, as the existing teams jealously guard their prize money). Founding a football team would be more relatively straight-forward, but building a good, successful team would be an extreme challenge. You would have to start at the bottom of the pyramid, and developing a club from the ground up is no mean feat. Taking a team from the bottom to the top would take decades, involve a huge investment, and there would inevitably be bumps along the road.

Still, persevering with a football team would be a rewarding experience. Imagine taking a lowly amateur club to the dizzying heights of Champions League football. Meerkat Rangers, champions of Europe! It could happen… it probably won’t, but it could!

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