The Meerkat Muse: 18th December 2024

We are only seven days away from the big day! Welcome back to the Meerkat Muse! As is befitting of the season, how about starting with a miracle?

The Council Collects

You may recall mention of my struggle to get some items collected by my local council. I can report that as of two weeks ago, they had collected it! I was shocked. Delighted, but shocked.

Storm Darragh

Back on the 7th, Storm Darragh began to sweep across the nation. Being a lot closer to the east coast than the west, me and mine weren’t too badly affected by the howling winds and sweeping rains, though we didn’t completely escape them either. Still, seeing as parts of the country faced winds of over 100mph, I am sorely grateful to live where I live!

Up goes the Tree

One step closer to feeling Christmassy!

Dreams within Dreams

Never have I had such a trippy nocturnal experience as I had the other night. I don’t know if I possess the skills to chronicle this, but here goes. The initial, ‘normal’ dream featured my wife, daughter and I at a caravan/holiday park. We’ve had such adventures before, and they have always been pleasant, so nothing new or unusual about that. I recall going swimming, and sitting around, and then we went to some kind of event or show, with a limited number of guests, of which my wife, daughter and I were among the lucky few. Among our hosts were Steven Tyler (lead singer of Aerosmith), Liv Tyler (famous for playing Arwen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Mr Tyler’s daughter), Katy Perry (famous for a number of hit songs and albums), and a faceless, unidentifiable person. This event started with Ms Tyler flashing her underwear (ahem!), but it swiftly changed tracks, becoming some sort of demon/underworld séance.

Among the various weird goings-on, I watched two… for lack of a better word demonic, massive hams (I cannot think of a better explanation), sort of oozing around an old, regal room, and I remember telling them that nothing – absolutely nothing – would ever overcome my love for my daughter. I was then abruptly on a train, albeit a very fast, flying train, then the scene switched to an outdoor Christmas market, and a lot of Krampus-type figures walking around, and then I gradually came to, being told by my wife that I’d been drugged with some sort of nettle/flower. Then I woke up for real.

It was a very strange, haunting dream, and I am yet to process it.

The New Tattoo!

Tattoo number eight! I am very, very pleased with how he’s turned out. I will share better pics as he heals.

Timon wanted to share the newcomer’s spotlight!

The Cereal Killer

I bought come Coco Pops the other day, having not had them in a while. My daughter decided she wanted some, as an evening snack, and in the process of trying to pour some into a bowl, the packet split, and they went everywhere. Cue me mercilessly ribbing her about destroying my cereal, and then my wife coined the phrase ‘Coco Killer’, which has also been a source of banter. Now, I know what you’re thinking. ‘Cereal killer makes more sense’. It does, and it’s been used as well, but Coco Killer is a touch more entertaining!

A Day of Sneezing

Friday the 13th always carries with it a certain mythological potential for mischief, but for me, it was all about sneezing. I generally felt fine, but for whatever reason, virtually from the moment I woke up, I could not stop sneezing. To describe this as annoying would be an understatement. I am not fond of having no control over myself, and this sort of involuntary, uncontrolled sneezing was driving me up the wall.

Nearly Showtime

close up of christmas decoration hanging on tree
Photo by Gary Spears on

Christmas is fast approaching, and I am more or less ready, though I am – as I always do – deferring the laborious tasks of wrapping gifts, and writing cards. I know they’re nice gestures, I thoroughly understand that, but they’re such a chore! I will get them done, again as I always do, but I will grumble the entire time!

Laughing myself Awake!

Down the years, I’ve had nightmares, and unsettling dreams, that have jolted me from my slumber. I have even woken up breathless from emotion from a dream. However, in my 40+ times around the sun, I have never, ever, laughed myself awake, until the other night. I can’t quite remember what was so funny, save for something about a ‘turd collection agency’, which set off hysterics. To try to avoid waking my wife, I stuffed my face into my pillow, and tried to compose myself, but it was a struggle to restore my equilibrium!

I can honestly say it was among the strangest dream experiences I have ever had.

The Christmas Convoy!

There’s something of a tradition – albeit a new one – where a convoy of tractors go past the house every Christmas. It’s a wee bit unusual, but it’s also very colourful!

The Final Thoughts on 2024

This will be the last Muse before the New Year, so it seems a fitting moment to look upon 2024, and all that it contained. There were a couple of trips off the beaten track, both of which held some fun and unusual activities. There were some big anniversaries, such as celebrating 15 years married, and 20 years together, for my wife and I. We’ve had a few ups and downs, as every couple does, but I feel we’re emerging from 2024 stronger than ever, reaffirmed, if you like.

I’ve made some big changes to this website, resetting it to its bare bones, to start again. It needed a refresh, after ten years of getting increasingly chaotic.

I finished the second part of The Chon’ith Saga, The Schism, and completed the first round of edits. The book is now back in the hands of my publisher, and the aim is to get it published in 2025, so there have been exciting times with my ‘other’ career!

There’s a lot I am not certain about, as we head into 2025. The future of my workplace is something of an unknown, though my manager and I have plans to boost business. We can only focus on what we can control, and there is no sense stressing about anything else. I dare say that’s my most sage advice, for any and all situations. I have never been particularly good at following that advice, but I think it remains true. All we can do – all any of us can do – is control our own actions and behaviour. We can advise, and guide, but we are ultimately responsible for ourselves, and only ourselves. We cannot waste time during our finite presence on this earth, with frantic worry about matters we cannot influence or shape. That’s a good way to burn one’s self out.

Finally, I think it’s important to make sure that we remember what love is. Love is patient, kind, warm, compassionate, and cosy. Love one another.

Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year x

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2 thoughts on “The Meerkat Muse: 18th December 2024

  • 19 December 2024 at 04:55

    I could comment on several things here — all positive — but in the interest of time and energy, let me just say that I LOVE the Sonic tattoo!!!! Happy Holidays to you, dear Ben!


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