Meerkat Prompts: Morning or Night?

Are you more of a night or morning person?

A good question. I think I’m more of a morning person these days, which is a definite reversal from my younger days. Once upon a time, this ‘kat could sleep in till noon, very easily. This was long before the pattern of my life brought my wife and then daughter into my world! Lazy lie-ins were often the pattern of days off at weekends, but this changed, quite robustly, when I met my wife. It wasn’t merely a weekend change (which was a requirement to spend decent time with her), it became folded into who I am. I wound up with a desire to make the most of my day. If I had a day off in the week when still living with my parents, I’d go for an early-morning walk before breakfast. I would aim to do more than sleep my day away.

This trend has continued, partly because it’s become my preference, and partly because of work and school schedules. There are still occasions – such as rare weekends off – where I will have a lie-in, but it’s exceptionally rare for this to go beyond 10am. Often, my mindset is to get up, and enjoy the day. The flipside of being up and active early is that I am usually quite tired in the evenings, and 10pm has become a sort of de facto bedtime. Going much beyond 10pm feels like a bit of a risk!

What about you, are you a morning meerkat, or an evening meerkat?

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