Meerkat Prompts: Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why?

Hmm. This one is quite easy. If I were planning a holiday, my first instinct would be to look for somewhere hot and sunny. Meerkats are not cold-weather creatures, we like to bask in the sun’s rays, and besides, hiking up a mountain does not fall under the other main aim of a holiday for me, which is to relax! I go on holiday to avoid being busy. Climbing a mountain sounds like too much work for me to enjoy! That being said, I would never completely rule the idea out. Imagine reaching the peak of say, Mount Vesuvius, and peering into the belly of the fearsome volcano.

Crisp, clean mountain air… then again, wouldn’t it be cold?!

My heart prefers the sandy beach to the mountain. Depending on where you go, you can experience some beautiful crisp, clear-blue waters, paired with white sandy beaches to die for. A couple of years ago, my family and I spent a week in Menorca, and the beaches of this Spanish isle were incredible. Between swimming in the sea, and laying back to enjoy the glorious sunshine, it was paradise.

This is much more my speed!

Earlier in 2024, my family and I went to Sicily, and the beaches there were also gorgeous. I dare say Menorca scores a bit higher for me, but even so, the waters of Sicily were lovely, and the beach was beautiful. There is nothing quite like taking a dip in the sea, under a clear blue sky. Beaches all the way!

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