The Thinking ‘Kat: The Tangerine Tyrant

As we hurtle towards the 2024 Presidential Election, with the polls predicting an extremely close vote, I run the risk of possibly offending or upsetting some people who follow this blog, via what I have to say in this post. I can only present my honest views on Donald Trump, nothing more.

In the previous iteration of Meerkat Musings, I wrote of Trump’s failures, of which there are many. He has failed as a political leader. He has failed as a businessman. He has failed in his moral duties on several occasions. Despite this, people seem to all-but worship him. He has developed a powerful cult of personality, leading people to mysteriously overlook his numerous acts of incompetence. Since his repeated demonstrations of ineptitude include several events from his previous time in the White House, I believe it’s important to make those moments remain firmly in the light, especially with the election looming.

Bad Business

Four of Trump’s business ventures have filed for bankruptcy. Granted, not everything is within Trump’s control in those circumstances, but nonetheless, who believes a man with that sort of record can be trusted with the economy of a country? We also hear that he’s a self-made man, and thus connected to working class roots. No, he isn’t, and no, he’s not. He was born into wealth and privilege, and he has done his best to ensure he and his ilk remain in positions of power and privilege. Trump’s father was a powerful businessman in his own right, and gave Trump the equivalent of $413 million in today’s money, to help get his son started. Trump misled the US public to generate empathy, and to create the belief he possesses good business acumen. Whilst he is not necessarily a total disaster when it comes to business, he is not the brilliant beacon he presents himself as either.

Moral Failings

I will be forever baffled as to how good, pious Christians can vote for Trump. Remember, this is a man who openly employs racial stereotypes, mocks the disabled, believes he can move on women whenever he wants, and has made some hugely misogynistic remarks about his opponent, Ms Kamala Harris. This is merely the tip of the iceberg. Recall how he equated Nazis and those opposing them as similar in the wake of Charlottesville? Trump tried to distance himself from his remarks, but it’s clear as to how he thinks.

His supporters may try to suggest that we shouldn’t be holding Trump up as a beacon of perfection, for that is unfair. Perhaps it is, but then again, recall how Republicans hounded Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal? How about some of the posts aimed at Ms Harris and her past relationships? These are deeply ironic gestures, considering the words and deeds of Trump.

The other reason why Trump’s worshippers may be prepared to so readily excuse his actions is because they believe he is a good political leader. Is there any truth to that?

Trump’s Political Disaster

By far and away the biggest failure of Trump’s time in office was the botched handling of the covid-19 pandemic. Slow to react, sending out mixed messages, and having previously disbanded an Obama-era team set up to help prepare for pandemics, Trump made sure the USA was about as vulnerable as it could be to the virus. Over a million Americans died from covid, but had Trump acted competently, that toll might well have been reduced.

A consequence of Trump’s botched response to covid was how it impacted the US economy. America was hit harder than most countries, and this can once again be attributed to Trump. His government proved inept, and it is therefore deeply ironic that Republicans insist they and Trump are better placed to aid the economy. Americans would be wise to remember that it was Trump who dug the huge hole everyone else had to climb out of.

Contrary to what some would have you believe, the US economy has been steadily growing. Things are quite stable, even if Republican news sources would try to persuade you otherwise. Unfortunately, those sources do not even try to conceal their bias, and take their direction from Trump, who has tried to hammer home a message about the economy being better off in his safe hands. Naturally, these sources do not mention he is the one who tanked the economy in the first place!

Are the Democrats perfect? No. Is Ms Harris perfect? No. If perfection were a requirement to run for office, no one would. However, I genuinely believe they are what’s best for America, and indeed the world, at this moment in time. After all, ask yourself why the likes Putin would prefer Trump in the White House. When cruel dictators have a preference for him, that should set off alarm bells.

Now is the time to oppose the moral degeneracy of Trump, as well his history of failure. With luck, Americans will see him for what he really is.

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