Meerkat Prompts: The Foods I Hate

There’s a bunch of foods I am not fond of, and there’s a few I absolutely loathe. I have learned to tolerate some foods down the years (such as peas, and mashed potato), but others remain firmly on my yuck list. I do not like sweetcorn, I cannot stand the slimy nature of baked beans (yes, I know they’re a British staple, no, I have never liked them), but the one I most hate, the one I would like to erase, to utterly wipe from the face of existence, is mushrooms.

Sometimes, my wife will fry up mushrooms, and when that happens, I cannot go near the kitchen. It is no exaggeration to say that I gag. The odour is cloying, sweaty and nasty. These awful, mucus-coated fungi not only smell bad and feel horrid, they look terrible, and taste even worse. As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing redeemable about mushrooms.

Am I being too harsh? No. Mushrooms should be annihilated.

I am also not especially fond of tomatoes. I don’t mind them if they’re pureed on a pizza, but I could never bite into an actual tomato. I once accidentally poured myself tomato juice at a hotel, and as I felt awkward about leaving it, forced myself to drink it I didn’t like it! That said, I enjoy cream of tomato soup, so make of that what you will!

Aside from that, I am not generally a fussy eater. I know what I like, and what I don’t like, and I am prepared to experiment, just a little. Please, no mushrooms though!

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