By now, the news about Donald Trump’s latest unhinged, insane rant has well and truly filtered across the internet. The web has exploded with memes about Trump’s hyperbolic claims around immigrants eating pets in the town of Springfield, Ohio. Needless to say, Trump’s claim (made during his debate against Ms Harris) was fact-checked and found to be bunk, but will this stop him from making further baseless claims? Given that when Trump speaks, he is often lying, this seems unlikely, despite the embarrassment around this claim.
Trump and Ego are natural bedfellows. He is pathologically incapable of conceding defeat, of admitting when he is wrong, and it seems, behaving in a rational manner, yet he retains so much support from hard-line religious conservatives. I am baffled as to why they are so determined to ignore his record of failure (both as a politician and a businessman), his moral failures (of which there are many), and his dishonesty. I genuinely believe that in Trump’s mind, he is the Messiah, unburdened by concepts of honesty, morality and decency, because his word is right, and he cannot possibly be wrong.
Hence the absurdity around immigrants eating pets (and let’s not forget his claim of immigrants receiving sex change operations in jail!).
The terrifying thing is, so many of his worshippers supporters are quick to believe him. They swallow his every word, with consideration. They are so entrenched, so devout, and so utterly convinced by his conspiracy theories and outlandish remarks, that they will vote for him no matter what. I am now virtually convinced myself that Trump could indeed murder someone in Times Square, and still be feted by his followers. After all, if he can increasingly dive into insanity with his remarks about pets, and yet remain as popular as he does, there’s no telling how far he can go.
EDIT: I wanted to add a link to an excellent post from The King’s Necktie. It is quite delicious, and further dismantles Trump.
I’ll leave you with a few memes, highlighting just how ridiculous this entire affair is.
It was a ninety-minute debate. Trump talked about what he intends to do versus Harris’ record and known (from her own mouth) position statements. Harris lied about Trump. That’s the debate in a nutshell, and that is why Harris lost. She did not tell voters why anyone should vote for her. She just tried to do what you are doing.
What do so-call Progressives want to discuss? Trump said Haitian immigrants eat cats and dogs. Trump apparently read a news article that said some immigrants are doing so. Is it now a sin to believe a news report? It is most certainly reaching that point, but that is another issue. The Biden/Harris administration dumped 15 thousand Haitians in a town of 60 thousand. That is stupidly destructive, and the Biden/Harris administration has unlawfully brought millions of people into the USA. Does not the UK have a similar problem?
It is a known fact that Haitians in that small town are eating geese. Why not? They taste good! The population of Canada geese is just now recovering after being decimated by people who ate them in restaurants. Nevertheless, the locals don’t like the Haitian killing off the wildlife.
But the real problem is that small town is the Haitians don’t belong there. They make the roads unsafe — bad drivers who either don’t know or care about the rules — and they are drain on public services. No nation with a welfare state can withstand millions of poor people coming into the country and going on welfare, and the cultural implications are equally disastrous. Haitians don’t understand the laws and customs. They cannot even speak the language. But you want to talk about the supposed absurdity of eating cats and dogs. Obviously, you have never been hungry.
You do realize that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? Next thing you will be telling us is that hungry people have never eaten rats. Gosh! That must be an argument against Trump.
Letting waves of poor people into a wealthy nation is not generosity. It is sabotaging a wealthy country. That is the issue, not whether Haitians are eating dogs and cats. Yet our elites insist we let the poor into the country even though 80 percent of the voters object. That is the issue, not who is eating dogs and cats.
I dare say Ms Harris simply gave Trump some rope, and he took it and metaphorically destroyed himself. It’s that simple really.
After all, Trump lied, repeatedly, and what’s worse, his lies were incredibly obvious and stupid. If he blindly regurgitated a debunked news report, does that speak to you of someone smart and reasoned, or someone prone to believing whatever outlandish story is fed to him? Likewise with the bizarre claim about sex change operations for immigrants in jail. Do you really trust a man inclined to repeat (or possibly invent) such incredible absurdities?
It’s not like these were his only deceptive claims/remarks either. You may unquestionably believe Trump’s ‘woe is me, biased this and that’ routine, but I don’t buy what he sells. Trump lies, frequently. Trump places his ego ahead of all else. It is a matter of public record that he had Republicans oppose policies to curb immigration, purely so he could use that in an election campaign. In other words, he is at least partly responsible for the current situation that you complain about, and therefore at least partly responsible for the consequences of that situation. He acted out of his own selfish interests.
He lied about crime.
Perhaps Ms Harris is a little light on policy at this stage, but what did Trump offer, other than bluster, irrational defences of weak positions, and prove he can easily goaded? This is to say nothing of his continued cognitive decline.
I have to get on the road. So, I won’t try to refute every point.
Harris is a California Liberal Democrat with all that entails. She has been videotaped saying the most absurd things. See =>
Harris supports sex change operations for convicts in prison and for illegal aliens.
The crime rate is up => The headache is the statistics don’t include the high crime areas. They don’t send them to the Federal Government. Go figure.
Use some common sense. Democrats run America’s big cities. They want more voters and cheap labor. The problem is that when they invite everyone into the country, they get people looking for handouts. They also get criminals who love their soft on crime attitude.
The statement that immigrants commit less crime is absurd. It does pass the laugh test. Why would people who are breaking the law coming into the USA worry about committing crimes in the USA? Huge numbers of the immigrants are gotaways that the border patrol did not catch. Yet all the Biden/Harris administration requires from an illegal alien is a statement that they fear persecution where they came from.
Thing is Tom, I’ll stand by my links/sources, as much as you will stand by yours. Evidence has been presented that refutes Trump’s claims, and there is plenty of evidence for Trump’s failures, to say nothing of his blockade of efforts to control the border for his own political gain. If he cared about immigration so much, why did he encourage Republicans to block Democrat efforts to curb the tide? He serves himself, and only himself. This should not come as a surprise; Trump will always favour himself. Hence how his economic policies have driven up US debt, whilst helping him and his cohorts:
The crime rate is actually going down:,crime%20(down%204.3%20percent).,pandemic%20levels%2C%20new%20report%20shows&text=Most%20violent%20crimes%20in%20U.S.,on%20Criminal%20Justice%20released%20Thursday.
Immigrants are being scape-goated over crime:
You may find The King’s Necktie to be an interesting post.
I hope you have a good, safe journey.
Springfield, Ohio lost 22,000 jobs in the 1990s and never recovered. The median income has dropped by 27%. In its industrial heyday, Springfield’s population was 82,000. Today it is 58,000. Springfield welcomed the legal Haitian Immigrants to help reboot their economy,
Black/brown immigrants help fill jobs locals can’t or won’t work. Polly’s place of employment — a large manufacturing concern that makes ready to assemble furniture and commercial office furniture — has Guatemalan immigrants working for them. Hard workers, they largely keep to themselves.
Trump’s xenophobic, racist comments about immigrants aren’t helping. Polly works in a department filled with MAGA supporters. To the person, they believe every word that comes out of Trump’s mouth.
If there is one everlasting truth, it is that ring-wingers will often demonise immigrants. We had it here with Reform and Nigel Farage. It is a smokescreen, a convenient distraction from where many problems around wages, jobs, infrastructure truly come from, but unfortunately it is an effective scare tactic.