Trump and Musk are doing It Wrong: Politics is the Art of the Possible, Not the Art of Grievance, Revenge, and Self-Enrichment

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Trump and Musk are doing It Wrong: Politics is the Art of the Possible, Not the Art of Grievance, Revenge, and Self-Enrichment
One might think that Trump is a pragmatic politician leaving his policy choices to whichever way the political winds blow. …
Time for the second reblog from The Psy of Life. This time, Jack discusses the difference between politicians who at least try to serve their country, and politicians who – like Donald Trump – unashamedly serve themselves.
It is painfully clear that Trump is out to benefit one person: Trump. His own interests have long-been the key factor in his thinking, and he will only do what is best for the USA, up to the point where it benefits him. The moment his own interests become more important, that will show in his actions. Altruism is not a particularly conservative trait these days, and it certainly isn’t a Trump trait. What makes matters worse is that Trump is now being steered by the interests of Elon Musk, a man with a train-wreck of a business record, and a man who has made billions off the hard work of others.
In the coming months, it will be hugely important to highlight the self-serving nature of Trump, and his paymasters.