Writing Prompts: How am I Feeling Today?

Does this face offer a clue?

As is by now typical for my prompts, I am not writing this and publishing it on the same day. ‘How I feel today’ relates to how I felt on the 8th of July, as a long day at work gradually drew to a close.

That feeling was one of annoyance and aggravation. I had endured a long day, especially in the afternoon, sorting out little fires here and there, putting together designs for customers who were never going to buy from my store (they had already been dealing with another branch), and generally feeling like I was chasing my tail. I was tired, in the way you feel when you have absolutely had enough of people, and that is therefore naturally the point where more people show up, complete with enquiries and wants and needs.

It’s retail, it’s sales, it is part and parcel of the life I chose, but sometimes I am just not in the mood for people, especially people who always manage to come in just when I want a bite to eat, or people who come in right before closing time, having had all day, yet choosing to delay our exit from a long day at work. In my view, such people are inconsiderate, and whilst I do understand that they may be rushing to get in following a day at work themselves, I am not paid to stay at work beyond the store’s opening hours, and do not appreciate being made to stay late.

This probably sounds whiny, and you know what? It is. I admit that. I should not hold it against customers for coming in when I am about to grab food. How can they possibly know that? Nonetheless, it happens with such an alarming regularity that sometimes I think the universe is playing a prank on me.

At the moment of writing this post, I think I was feeling a little burnt out. It had been some time since a real, relaxing break. Sure I’d had time off, but a lot of that had been spent running around here there and everywhere. Actual, proper rest and relaxation, on my terms? For that matter, on any terms? It felt like it had been a while. Instead, I could not shake the feeling of being pestered, harried, and generally not able to catch a breather. A lot of that was probably in my head, but there are times when I simply do not care for human beings. There are moments when I do not desire conversation, but in retail and in sales, all I can do is plaster a smile on my face, and carry on. That’s what I had to do on the 8th of July.

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