Writing Prompts: Breast-feeding

This topic is sure to rile the ignorant, but in era where, inexplicably, there are still stigmas around breast-feeding, I thought this might be a good Prompt topic.

Firstly, breast-feeding is perfectly natural. It is one of the most natural things in the world. Numerous species across millions of years have breast-fed their young. It is, for some reason, humanity that gets flustered and pompous on the subject. Old-school Puritan attitudes prevail, even today, and it is not without irony that these views are often held by people with little-to-no parenting experience.

There are certain key things to remember about breast-feeding. The clue is in the very words themselves. A baby – especially a new-born – does not operate to a schedule. When they are hungry, they will need feeding. You cannot regulate or program a baby to work around your time. Any parent will know this. It is not until they get a bit older, and become capable of understanding patience and time, that you can begin to set up a schedule.

There are people – often men, though not always – who object to breast-feeding on the grounds of men’s rights, which usually pertain to control over a woman’s body. They argue that breast-feeding is obscene, that it violates a man’s godly rights as head of the household, and that women should consider the public interest before breast-feeding. If the woman has the audacity to place the needs of their baby first, they are apparently selfish.

All of these arguments are long-winded ways of saying ‘I am ignorant of parenthood. I am ignorant about the needs of a baby.’ Only someone with any real-world experience of what it takes to look after an infant can truly offer any meaningful advice as to when the right time to feed a baby is, and breast-feeding is all about… feeding! Hence the repeated emphasis. Also, as already mentioned, we’re dealing with babies here. Babies are not born with an innate sense of time-keeping, public awareness and social graces, and nor can you teach these things to a baby.

If the sight of a woman breast-feeding her child offends you, then don’t look. No one is forcing you to take part in any way shape or form. A woman who is breast-feeding may well already feel self-conscious, and will not need the judgemental attitude of strangers adding to her discomfort, but she is performing her motherly duties, in the single most natural way possible. She is prioritising the health and well-being of her baby. Who in their right mind would expect her to prioritise anything else?

Bottom line? Those who are not parents should mind their own business.

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